The Really Cool Thing
Thursday, January 10th, 2013

I’ve been sitting on this news FOREVER and now it’s finally time to share!

The Downfall of a Good Girl and The Taming of a Wild Child aren’t just two of my favorite books that just happen to be launch titles for the new Harlequin KISS line.

Downfall and Taming have their own soundtrack.  Which is just really, really cool.

Lynn (L) and Lang (R)


Once I knew Downfall’s hero, Connor, was a singer/songwriter, I knew he’d need songs to sing — that’s how he’d be comfortable expressing himself. So I went to work with a local singer/songwriter (and former Kindergarten co-Room Mother for our kids) Cristina Lynn to put a song on Connor’s lips.  Cristina not only let me use four of her original songs in the books, she wrote a new song inspired by Vivi and Connor, too!

All five songs — now a collection called “Sinners and Saints” — will be available for purchase/download later this month!

(For more info on our collaboration, click here.)

Album coverWe’re taking our show on the road, too, with what we call a “Sing and Sign,*” to talk about the books, the music, and the process.  (And what it’s like to be a working artist and Mom at the same time. We’re not your average soccer moms, that’s for sure!)  Want us to come to your library, bookstore, coffee shop, etc? Just drop me a line at kimberly @ and we’ll see what we can set up.I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had working with Cristina on this project.  It helped that we were friends already and working with a friend is fun, but working with a storyteller in a different medium has been enlightening and inspiring!

Pretty cool, huh?

*Just to be clear: Cristina does all the singing. I don’t. You really don’t want me to. Maybe one day she’ll let me play the tambourine or something…

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