Archive for the 'News' Category
Sunday, August 2nd, 2009
Back from a fabulous trip to the RWA Conference in DC, where I got to spend time with many of the other Presents authors and editors, and where I signed for the first time at the huge Readers for Life Literacy fundraiser. Photos from the trip will be posted in the photo album soon.
I also have the title for my next book, Boardroom Rivals, Bedroom Fireworks, which will be a Jan 2010 UK release. Of course, that means it’s time to start the next book!
My Darling Geek has been busy with this update—along with new photos and the regular updates, he’s also added the “Dear Reader” letters from the first three books (which don’t appear in the US versions) and links to read the excerpts for the books. He will also be adding a FAQ. A round of applause for the Darling Geek and his technical skills! I couldn’t do this without him!
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Saturday, July 4th, 2009
The Secret Mistress Arrangement is out in France in a 2-in-1 collection with Day LeClaire! I kind of like the new title: Un Parfum de Tentation. And the cover is beautiful!
I’m getting ready for the RWA National Conference coming up in Washington, DC, July 15-18. I’ll be signing books at the huge RWA Literacy Signing on July 15. Please stop by!
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Friday, June 12th, 2009
The French website Blue Moon has reviewed both of my April releases (The Secret Mistress Arrangement [US—Presents] and The Millionaire’s Misbehaving Mistress [UK- Modern Heat]), and, thanks to translation software, I was able to read the kind comments. Now they’ve interviewed me! The interview is up in both French and English.
If you’d like to read the reviews, I recommend Google translate. You just enter the URL of the page you’d like translated and the from/to languages and it does the rest. Of course, translation software isn’t perfect, so there’s some very odd sentences at times, but it beats anything my high school French could decipher!
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Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
Sorry for the long absence—finishing the book, vacation, etc. May was very busy for me!
I’m currently finishing up revisions on my fourth book, set at a Sonoma Valley winery, and I’m totally in love with the hero at the moment. I hope to get those revisions done quickly, because the characters for the next book are already making themselves known in the back of my mind and causing a bit of a distraction!
I have the UK cover for my third book, Magnate’s Mistress… Accidentally Pregnant! Isn’t it lovely? Chris, the hero, is a champion sailboat racer, and he and my heroine, Ally, meet on a Caribbean island. I think the cover captures that perfectly! Magnate’s Mistress… Accidentally Pregnant! will be out in the UK in Sept 2009 and in the US in Feb 2010.
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Monday, May 4th, 2009
Saturday was my first ever Readers’ Luncheon and my first book signing! So much fun to meet readers and sign books for people I didn’t know already (yes, it’s great to sign books for mom, my best friend, etc, but these are people who don’t have any reason other than they liked the book to ask me to sign it!). See the photo album for some pictures from Saturday.
Now I must go deep into my cave and finish the new book.
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Sunday, April 12th, 2009
More excitement abounds! The Secret Mistress Arrangement made the Walden list again, this time moving up to the #8 spot!
And I’m running a contest—sign up to receive my (occasional) newsletter by June 1 and be entered to win a gift certificate to the Amazon site of your choosing (US, UK, or CN).
Mills and Boon has started its own online community for readers and authors to connect and socialize. Be sure to check it out: www.millsandboon.co.uk. It’s new, and there are still a few kinks to be worked out, but many of your favorite authors are already there. (And I will be soon. I’m afraid I’ve been caught in a kink.)
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Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
April has started with a bang! Not only is The Secret Mistress Arrangement on the shelves in the US, I found out yesterday it debuted at #9 on the Waldenbooks best seller list. WOW!!! There aren’t enough exclamation points to express the excitement. The Millionaire’s Misbehaving Mistress is out in the UK this month too!
Come celebrate with me — I’m guest blogging on several sites over the next week (the Writing Playground blog will link to my new posts every day), culminating with a huge blog party on the Playground on April 7th. I hope you’ll drop by – there will be food and fun and Captain Jack, plus fun prizes. When I recover from the party, I’ll have a contest running here on the site, so be sure to check back.
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Monday, March 2nd, 2009
Oh. My. Gosh. The Secret Mistress Arrangement received 4 stars from Romantic Times! Wow! Here’s what they had to say:
This enjoyable tale … treats readers to all the emotions, and all the highs and lows, that love entails.
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Saturday, February 14th, 2009
Harlequin celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year and they’re giving away free books—16 titles from various lines, so there’s sure to be something for everyone to enjoy. Visit www.HarlequinCelebrates.com to download your free titles!
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Saturday, January 31st, 2009
The Secret Mistress Arrangement is available in Australia!
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